Bratislava y Eslovaquia
Touring Editore; Anaya Touring
The best information about Bratislava and the rest of Slovakia completely updated. Firstly, the city of Bratislava and its surroundings are described. Below are a series of itineraries to get to know other parts of the country: the Váh Valley, central Slovakia and eastern Slovakia. They provide abundant information about the places and monuments of greatest interest, describing their characteristics and tourist, monumental, landscape and artistic attractions. The section entitled Bird's-eye view offers a panoramic tour of the geography, economy, history, language, art and culture of this country, making it an excellent read to prepare for your trip. As a complement to this section, a brief historical chronology is also offered. The final chapters are devoted to Practical Information, where you can find a series of useful tips and addresses as well as a Service Guide that includes a wide list of hotels and restaurants, shopping, leisure, transport, etc. The guide is complemented by useful cartographic information: a general road map, thematic and itinerary maps and plans of the most important cities.
- Author
Touring Editore; Anaya Touring
- Subject
> Europe
- Edition
- 4
- Publisher
Anaya Touring Club
- Pages
- 184
- High
- 22.5 cm
- Weight
- 12.5 cm
- Release date
- 20-02-2020
- Language
- Spanish
- Series
- Guía total