Chomsky & Mujica

Chomsky & Mujica

sobreviviendo al siglo XXI

Alvídrez, Saúl

Two world leaders of contemporary thought come together in this book to talk about transcendental issues that affect humanity and debate alternatives for the future. On the one hand, José Pepe Mujica, a former president and former guerrilla who has achieved enormous international popularity for his message of austerity, wisdom and common sense. On the other hand, Noam Chomsky, the intellectual who revolutionized linguistics and then addressed a wide range of deeply topical humanistic and philosophical topics. The Mexican documentary filmmaker Saúl Alvídrez managed to bring them together and create the right climate for the fruitful exchange of ideas. From the meeting of these voices, reflections arise that allow an approach to the great issues that the world today is facing: the consequences of climate change, the evils of politics, corruption, populism, the crisis of capitalism and its successive mutations, the logic of the market economy and the problems of production, among many others. Faced with the threat of a civilizational collapse, and in the face of the contradictions of leftist alternatives, Chomsky and Mujica point to the values that must be taken into account to move towards sustainable change. Democracy, freedom, life with purpose, love and friendship, as pillars from which to build a new direction. Convinced that the millennial and centennial generations have inherited an ecological, economic, political and socially unsustainable civilization, Alvídrez affirms that his mission is to try to amplify the public conversation among young people and focus it on the solution of global problems.

Alvídrez, Saúl
Human sciences > Politics
23.1 cm
15.1 cm
Release date
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Paperback edition
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Alvídrez, Saúl (aut.)

  • Alvídrez, Saúl
    Saúl Alvídrez (México, 1988) es un activista y documentalista mexicano. Inspirado en Julian Assange, en el año 2012 fue el primer miembro y fundador del movimiento estudian   Read more

Chomsky, Noam

  • Chomsky, Noam
    Noam Chomsky (Filadelfia, 1928) es un lingüista, filósofo, politólogo y activista estadounidense de origen judío. Es profesor emérito de lingüística en el    Read more

Mujica, José

  • Mujica, José
    José Mujica (Montevideo, 1935), es un político uruguayo, actual mandatario de la República Oriental del Uruguay. Con un pasado guerrillero, fue elegido diputado y senador para pos   Read more