

cuando estar mal es un problema colectivo

Carmona, Marta
Padilla Bernáldez, Javier

A feeling runs through our lives. It's not anxiety, it's not depression, it's not euphoria or restlessness. It is simply that we are wrong. We live in societies that talk about mental health but, in reality, are talking about a set of intermingled concepts: hopelessness, tiredness, lack of expectations, stress, worry and difficulty knowing when that feeling will end. The discomfort we are talking about has a lot to do with the inability to imagine a future that is achievable, with the lack of certainty about what will happen tomorrow or about the reflection that comes to us when we think that what is to come will always be worse than what is already I pass. Given this, the first impulse of society seems to be the pathologization of this discomfort, either through therapy or psychotropic drugs. An alternative option, but equally frequent in certain areas, is the denial of the singularity of suffering and the call for politicization as the only possible response. In this book we try to address the false dilemmas that we face when talking about "what happens to us", looking at the roots of psychic suffering and proposing solutions that do not avoid the complexity of the problem. The way out of this generalized situation of despair cannot fall on individualized attention, but refers directly to interventions in the field of work, subsistence rights and the extension to rights linked to post-material values ??-autonomy, freedom of expression, development of democracy, etc.- and that are what allow us to think about conquering the future.

Carmona, Marta
Padilla Bernáldez, Javier
Human sciences > Sociology
Capitán Swing Libros
22.0 cm
14.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
15,38 € Add to cart
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Carmona, Marta (aut.)

  • Carmona, Marta
    Marta Carmona (Madrid, 1984), psiquiatra steampunk, psiquiatra a deshoras y ahora por fin psiquiatra de centro de salud mental, como debe ser. Máster en Estudios Feministas, acaba siempre en la   Read more

Padilla Bernáldez, Javier (aut.)

  • Padilla Bernáldez, Javier
    Javier Padilla Bernáldez (Madrid, 1983) vive en Sevilla. Es médico de familia y comunidad con formación en el ámbito de la salud pública, la gestión sanitari   Read more