Técnico/a en cuidados auxiliares de enfermería, Servicio Aragonés de Salud (SALUD). Simulacros de examen
With this book, the opponent is acquiring an essential tool for the effective preparation of the entrance exams to the vacancies to the category of Technician in Auxiliary Nursing Care in centers of the Aragonese Health Service (HEALTH). For the elaboration of this manual we have based ourselves on the reference program established in the call published in the Official Gazette of Aragon No. 247, of December 23, 2022, and we have used the current regulations referred to in the said call, including all those legislative developments that have occurred up to the date of publication. Said call regulates the structure, development and qualification of the tests. Specifically, it establishes that the opposition phase will consist of a qualifying exercise. The exercise will consist of a written response within the period determined by the Court (in the last exam for the category the time provided to take the exam was 100 minutes), a multiple choice questionnaire of 100 questions and 10 reserve questions. , all of them with four alternative answers, only one of them being the valid answer, on the subjects specified in the agenda. Each drill is made up of a questionnaire made up of 100 questions with four alternative answers, of which only one of them will be correct, on the program of common and specific subjects. Also, each drill has 10 reserve questions. The correct answers will score positively, those not answered will not have any evaluation and those answered wrongly will subtract a third of the value of the correct answer. The maximum possible score, corresponding to 100 correct answers, will be 100 points, which will determine the staggering of the rest of the scores.
- Author
- Subject
Formation and textbooks
> Public examinations
9788419852700 (o.c.)
- Edition
- 1
- Publisher
Editorial CEP
- Pages
- 378
- High
- 24.0 cm
- Weight
- 21.0 cm
- Release date
- 05-05-2023
- Language
- Spanish
- Series
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