Tabernas de Madrid

Tabernas de Madrid

lo castizo en el siglo XXI

Sánchez Magro, Andrés

An emotional journey through the most authentic bars, wineries, houses and taverns to drink in the capital. If something defines the soul of a city, it is its bars, where any bar is the center of the world; that small universe in which we rely to continue walking. Madrid is at the top of the planet when it comes to having taverns for "cats", which makes it a mirror that is as Valleinclanesque as it is luminous, always aware of shipwrecks and resurgences. Although they are not a Spanish invention, the saga of illustrious tascas has not stopped growing from the Middle Ages to the present day, to the delight of the native public, always a lover of morapio and partying. During the Golden Age, life was made in them, scores were settled or the nobles cavorted, mixing with the populace... Until reaching the expansion of the taverns, joints to drink wine or eat on the go. A narrated world of traditional language. From the most classic to the new expressions, the tavern ingenuity and the cat's bizarreness for the zarabanda, they have gone through time until reaching those stereotypes that the chroniclers of the Villa have already canonized: the costumbrista glosses of Mesonero Romanos, the Galdosian chronicles or those of The Prophet of El Rastro, Ramón Gómez de la Serna. All of them, tinged with legend and picturesqueness about the life that nests in the figons, survive with their own laws and rituals... and are surpassed in the present. Not only rogues have passed through its counters, but also kings of many stripes, thuggish writers, fools and fops, sparklers, liberal journalists, pamphleteers, the crowd of the Pradera de San Isidro, the "They will not pass", the Movida of the 80s , the beginning of the 21st century... and wine and well-drained beers, as silent witnesses. These pages are as paged as drinks and aspire to leave a trace of our Madrí, Madrí, Madrí, whether wearing a coat or without it, but inevitably wet with the ink of "tintorro"... Come in, eat and, above all, , drink!

Sánchez Magro, Andrés
Travelbooks > Spain
24.0 cm
15.0 cm
Release date
Paperback edition
19,18 € Editar
Entrega: entre 8 y 14 días

Sánchez Magro, Andrés (aut.)

  • Sánchez Magro, Andrés
    Andrés Sánchez Magro nació azarosamente en la paterna judería toledana pero por destino y designio se considera gato. Ha estudiado varias carreras universitarias, y le han    Read more